How To Deal With Days That Suck

Today pretty much sucked. To be honest, the last few days have sucked, but today, I was aimless, people were frustrated with me, I was just in a funk.

Some days are just like that. Maybe it isn’t limited to just a day, maybe it’s an entire week. You’ve got to be okay with that. Let it be. There isn’t anything wrong with days or weeks sucking. You have to realize it isn’t always going to suck. When I get into a funk, I use it. I use it to work towards something. I use it to get back to where I need to be. To make sure I’m on the right track.

It can be frustrating at times, but don’t let that derail where you’re going and how you’re getting there for too long. Yep, I said too long. It is going to derail you and that is okay too. You’re going to have those days, you’re going to be down, frustrated, and annoyed just like anyone else. Heck, maybe more than everyone else. Not forever though, and that is the point. When you get into a funk. Ride the funk for a bit, then move on and use the funk to steer you back to where you need to be. It’s pretty easy – just head directly away from the funk and you’re back on track.

Weather you know where you’re going, you only have a vague idea, or you have no clue at all, use the funk to get  you back on the right path. The following 3 steps have helped me plenty of times before, they should help you too:

  1. Identify the funk.
  2. Ride the funk, then work through it.
  3. Head the opposite direction of the funk.

Then you’re back on track. Just work towards quickly identifying and working through the funk so you’re not spending a whole lot of time in the funk.

How do you deal with your funk and the days that suck?

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